Performance Guarantee
1. Your solar system’s estimated output
The Estimated Yield relates to the annual performance of the solar system in optimal conditions and is based on a 15 year set of irradiation and temperature data. The Estimated Yield will be affected by yearly weather patterns. The table below provides the average daily production by city for a 1kW system. Your annual Estimated Yield can be calculated based on your nearest city and system size.
Average Daily Production

Data Source: PV-GC spreadsheet based on the CEC GC Design Guidelines. The rated output is that achieved in perfect laboratory conditions. The CEC design summary software takes these deratings into account when predicting average for any given system.
We guarantee that the energy output of your SOLARfied solar system will meet:
• the Estimated Yield in the first year after installation; and
• 90% of the Estimated Yield from the second to seventh year after installation, subject to the factors in the rest of this document.
2. Making a claim
If your system does not meet the Performance Guarantee for a particular year after installation, then at the end of that year you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.
In order to make a claim for compensation you must send a letter or email us, using the contact details set out below. In your notice you must provide:
• details to support your claim that the Performance Guarantee is not being met – we recommend you provide data from your inverter or online portal showing the energy production of your system. This data should be collected over a reasonable period to enable us to eliminate seasonal variations.
• details of the compensation to which you believe you are entitled;
• a copy of your invoice, receipt or any other document which provides proof of purchase of the solar system from us; and
• details of how we should contact you.
We will contact you within a reasonable time after receipt of your claim to discuss the performance of your solar system.
3. Your responsibilities
In determining whether any compensation is payable to you we may take into account how much time has passed between:
• when it would have been reasonable for you to have become aware of a fault or problem with your system (for example, by monitoring your system’s performance in accordance with the documents provided to you at the time of installation, by checking your bill each billing cycle or by checking available online electricity data); and
• when you actually contact us to report that fault or problem.
4. When you are not entitled to a remedy
You are not entitled to a remedy when your solar system does not meet the Performance Guarantee due to something:
• you or someone else said or did (excluding SOLARfied’s agents or employees) or did not do, or
• beyond human control that happened after the system was installed at your premises.
Examples may include where:
• someone other than SOLARfied’s installer, contractor or other authorised representative installed, removed, reinstalled, repaired or modified the system;
• disruption to your Internet connection which prevents SOLARfied from monitoring your system’s performance;
• you failed to keep vegetation trimmed so that the system receives as much sunlight as it did when it was installed by us.
5. Consumer guarantees
In addition to this Performance Guarantee, our solar systems and installation services come with further guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law.
Please note that in addition to the rights and remedies set out in this document, you may also have other rights and remedies available to you under the law.
Qualifications & Memberships
SOLARfied is wholly owned subsidiary of LEDified Lighting Corporation